Censorship Norwegian Naval Academy

I have censored with a variety of sensors from several universities and colleges in various for  the last 25 years. Anne Beate Ytreøy is in the top range of all these.  We have worked together in academic reading and writing, science and research methods and marketing. She is always exceptionally well prepared, and precise, professionally and very well-founded  in all her assessments. Straight through professional. In addition, she has an amazing good humor that makes one  looking forward to do censoring with her!
Anne Linda Løhre
Assistant Professor

Norwegian Naval Academy

Student feedback

Hello Anne Beate,
I have sent a private message to NKS on yout excellent feedback og way to counsel students. I have never had contact with a lecturer that gives this good counselling, effective and constructive feedback, even via social media. You are professional and skilled in your guideance at NKS and I hope to have you as a supervisor in several courses.
You have really helped me to find the right methods to convey academia and given me write the desire that has always been inherent in me.
Best regards
Eva Elisa Bye